Aim: to convey the maximum information with minimal human contact.
Lemma: information increases with number of words (eg. like, you know) and with hyperbole (eg, great, amazing, awesome)
American-English mini dictionnary:
"I don't know that I want to do that." = "No."
"I guess I might say that..." = "I think that..."
"OHMYGOD, it's so great to see you! Ohmygooood![big kissless hug]" = "Hi."
"That was so, you know, like, amazing. Because it was, like, great, you know, just really really awsome. Ya know?" = "I liked that." [notice lack of any real explanation]
"I have issues with that" = "I don't like that"
And what's with these hugs, with their necks twisting away ? A hug should come with a kiss.