Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I met a 101 year old woman. She said to me: “are you married?” And, “I smile a lot.”

Chicago projected on a torus

Chicago projected on a torus
Originally uploaded by pmdcsb.
Lifting off from O’Hare at night, we fly over a gigantic quadricular game, with roads of light leading towards the world famous city center, minuscule with its high-rises in the distance. Buzzing over the game of light, a cloud of bezouros – the planes waiting to land.

What is amazing about a high-rise is that you never really expect how different the view is from the second floor to the 45th floor. It is also a pain if you want to get out and the elevators are full of slow moving old people, because... the stairs don’t work. That’s right, after you run down 30 stories and are about to emerge free, breathing heavily and triumphant, bahm! The final door is locked and will sound the alarm if you push it. With a date with a plane in the near future, I found another non-alarmed but equally locked door, which after enough banging produced a security man who let me out!! Moral: when in doubt, bang away.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Le rêve suisse!

l'autre rêve suisse!
Originally uploaded by pmdcsb.
Another night in the library, another moment of blogging! This is me in the library. Metaphorically. There are no mountains in the library.

Non, this is - in effect! - the swiss dream (like the american dream) for the poor honkey honkey who always wanted to be a goat. Good ridance, donkey boy!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Frase do dia

A calma e' a base da Ciencia.

(Quem disse isto? nao sei, mas a minha Mae repete-mo desde que sou crianca. Primeiro para fazer valer a calma, eg. face ao meu bro, e agora para fazer valer a ciencia. E nao e' que e' bem verdade?)

Esta' visto que estou sem pachorra para escrever posts, e recorro a truques baixos do genero por citacoes e fotografias e os amigos que vao la' ver mais se quiserem. E' que tenho andado muito ocupado ;) . Casa nova, etc e tal. A suivre.

ps. hoje tomei o primeiro pequeno almoco em casa, no chao porque nao tenho mobilia. O chao tem muito que se lhe diga. E' confortavel, e' vasto, e' maior do que qualquer outro movel e da' para jogar ao berlinde, fazer flexoes, e muito mais. Acho que devemos redescobrir o chao. E digo isto depois de ter dormido nele muitas noites...

A cama chegou ontem.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

lumières de Paris

lumières de Paris
Originally uploaded by pmdcsb.
For more Paris, entrez ici...

Friday, September 15, 2006

A bull-alp

a bull-alp
Originally uploaded by pmdcsb.
A beautiful moment in the alps, over the Lac Leman.

Cenas dos proximos posts:
"Mama, Mama, conta-me que livros andas a ler..."
"Xena pa', gandas fotos da suica, mane'!"
"Paris sera toujours Paris"

E com esta, bom fim de semana, o' blogosfera!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Flying home on September 11th

a road across artic canada
Originally uploaded by pmdcsb.
... was no big deal. The plane was full, the view was amazing. We flew over greenland, and saw the gigantic glaciers diving into the ocean. That was particularly amazing because I was reading how the greenland norse society emerged and collapsed (on 'Collapse', more on that book soon). And there it was, the end of the world just below me.

Later we crossed canada, where civilization emerges very slowly, over hours of flight. First one isolated road (can you see it?), then vegetation, then a small village with fields, and finally a city. It's very very very far away from anything ...