Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Spring in cambridge

Girls everywhere
flip-flops, tops, legs all bare
I really think it is not biased
that there really are more women than men
walking around.

There are travel books
given freely
in the libraries
(also for portugal, always together with spain)

At night
the streets are full with night dresses
and tuxes, and fragrances
which hold on after the festive party
has passed, on their way to a formal

Later the music from the formals
echoes through the warm streets
less crowded, but not for long
on these spring evenings in cambridge.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Women presidents

who knew? Many ivy league universities are currently led by women, and in each case these are the universities' first women presidents. The presidents of Harvard, Princeton, Rockefeller, University of Pennsylvania and Brown University are meeting here today. This will yet be the century of the woman.