The meaning of Life
Generating literally hundreds of new beings everyday makes me think about the value of Life. Particularly since not one of these beings will survive more than a couple of days. In the beginning it is just an egg doing silly little things like dividing, making many cells out of one. Just a ball of chemistry, not really alive. And then suddenly the cells start to move, inside the ball, and elongate and make a little fishy like thing. Now I can see: the spinal chord. And then little black dots... the eyes. And soon, when I touch it, it will move. It will have a nervous system, a circulatory system, a beating heart and a peristalting stomach. Still just cells? Still a mystery for me, every day. A wonderful, beautiful mystery, except that I have to use all these tadpoles in experiments...
[The key to the mystery is of course the number 42.]
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