Friday, June 02, 2006

1 year

It is 1 year, exactly 525600 minutes ago, that I arrived in this wretched land. Half a million minutes, doesn't sound like that long. Today Harvard Yard was dressed with all the schools' flags for graduation next week, just like a year ago. It seemed it was all a big joke, time did not go by, nothing had changed. But everything did.

It is also my 100th post in this blog, where I didn't always appreciate Boston. Time to collect a few great things about the place:

1 - the tugas, top quality (not really from boston, but hey!)
2 - in the summer, the beaches nearby
3 - in the fall, the forests nearby
4 - Louisburg sq., and the people there
5 - small enough we can meet wherever, whenever
6 - live music, jazz, rock and latin
7 - chinatown bus to New York
8 - lots of good japanese food and ice creams and smoothies
9 - lots of good libraries and bookshops
10 - very safe (can walk anywhere, anytime, leave things behind, no problem!)
11 - the systems biology department

Coming back from hahvahd yahd, I thought to myself: Esta merda ate' tem piada.
Happy second year.


Blogger Atlantico Ocidental said...

Glad to see you changed your mind... it took a while!

12:15 PM  

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